Thursday, January 8, 2009

Big E Pregnancy

12 Weeks

Hi friends and family. I know it's been a while. I have just gotten over the 1st trimester nausea. I've had it for about 6 weeks and feeling much better. I want to let you know that everything is going well with the pregnancy. But, we would like to ask for your prayers for one aspect of it. I found out at around 7 weeks pregnant that I have something called the Big E antibody in my blood which makes my pregnancy considered "at-risk". I'll try to explain what this is, and why we are dealing with it. It did not effect the pregnancy with Josiah or Micah, but that's typical with the antibody. Basically, Kyle and I have different blood types. You have antigens on your blood, like Rh, e, c, etc. I have little e and Kyle has big E. Micah got Kyle's blood, Big E, and during my pregnancy or delivery with Micah our blood mixed. My body saw the Big E antigen as foreign and produced the Big E antibody on my blood to fight it. So... If this baby has my blood, the baby is not at risk, that's what we're praying for. But, if this baby has Kyle's blood, my body will fight the baby's blood and give the baby water instead of blood. I know it sounds awful, but my specialist can give the baby great prenatal care if this is the case. I'm getting blood tests every month that tests how much of the antibody is in my blood. They measure it in a ratio and they call it a titer level. My titer levels are at 1:8 right now. If the levels get to 1:16- 1:32 he starts monitoring me even closer and can do a blood transfusion on the baby in the womb. We are really trusting the Lord with all of this and know that His plan is what's best for us and the baby. We are praying also that He'd delight to protect the baby's health and he/she would be healthy. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts.

We got a great ultrasound yesterday. I thought I was 11 weeks, but the baby measured 11 weeks 6 days, yea!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi. I am so glad I found your blog. I was just checking to see how things went for you with the big E antibody. ...titers have been 1:1 and now 1:2 (at 19 weeks). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you!!